How do I prepare for a presentation using a screen reader?
Presenters with specific accessibility requirements should collaborate with both their session chair and the accessibility chair to ensure that their presentation experience is inclusive. It is recommended that all presenters conduct a technical check during the break preceding their session. Individuals with accessibility needs can also familiarize themselves with the presenter setup and test the available accessibility features. For instance, those using screen readers can connect their computer to the projector and adjust sound settings if they prefer not to have the screen reader audio played through room speakers.
Will captioning be available?
There will be live captioning during CHIWORK 2025 when joining online on Zoom. However, please reach out to accessibility chairs for specific needs.
What is the conference space like?
CHIWORK 2025 will take place in the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and WCW Congress Center in the Netherlands. Sessions will be in CWI and WCW Congress Center. The links will provide you with further accessibility details for these buildings. Rooms can be accessed via lifts and stairs. There are accessible and gender-neutral toilets in CWI and WCW Congress Center.
Will student volunteers be available to assist attendees with disabilities?
Student volunteers will be available during CHIWORK 2025 to support attendees. If you will need volunteer assistance, please specify this on the registration form. Attendees requiring personal care assistance should bring their own assistant. For any concerns regarding the registration of assistants or companions, please reach out to the general chairs or accessibility chairs
Can I bring my guide dog?
Yes! Guide dogs and other service animals are welcome at CHIWORK 2025. There will be a relief area with water available. We are still working on the precise location. Please indicate on your registration form if you anticipate bringing a service animal.
General Requests
How do I communicate accessibility needs to CHIWORK 2025 organizers?
The Accessibility Chairs’ goal is to ensure CHIWORK 2025 is accessible to everyone. When you register for CHIWORK 2025, there will be registration questions about accessibility needs. In your response, please indicate any accessibility needs such as wheelchair access, sign language interpretation, or a guide. The accessibility chairs will follow up with you to clarify your needs. You can contact them directly at any time by emailing
Who do I ask if my question is not answered here?
Please contact accessibility chairs to discuss your specific needs. You can contact them directly at any time by emailing