CHIWORK 2025 introduces its third symposium featuring a dedicated student consortium track. We extend a warm invitation to undergraduate (e.g., bachelor’s), postgraduate (e.g., master’s), and PhD students who are researching the evolving landscape of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and its role in shaping the future of work. This event presents a valuable opportunity to connect with fellow students who share your research focus, engage in discussions about your work and ideas, and receive valuable feedback and insights from experienced researchers. As student consortium co-chairs, we are looking forward to meeting you and hearing about your research ideas and progress.
When and where?
The student consortium will be an in-person (physical) event, part of the CHIWORK 2025 conference. It will take place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on June 23, 2025, in the morning (local time in Amsterdam).
What will we achieve together?
The Student Consortium has the following objectives:
- Provide a setting where students can present their work and meet other students,
- Provide feedback on students’ current research and guidance on future research directions,
- Offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from researchers and students outside their own institution,
- Promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research, and
- Contribute to the CHIWORK conference goals through interaction with other researchers and conference events.
At the conference. Accepted participants will need to register for the conference. They will be invited to briefly present their research to others at a dedicated student consortium session on the morning of Monday, June 23, 2025. A comprehensive schedule will be shared with attendees as the symposium date approaches. For your planning purposes, please anticipate that events are scheduled to occur on Monday, June 23, 2024, most likely between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM Dutch time (Amsterdam time). The schedule will be focused on making the most of being together, for discussing, for learning, for receiving feedback, and for socializing.
Depending on space availability, student consortium participants could be given an opportunity to present themselves to the wider CHIWORK participants through a poster presentation or a short pitch. The details will be communicated at a later time.
Before the conference. Parts of the submissions of the accepted students will be shared among the participants before the consortium. This will aid the ability to give feedback to others on the day. We will also organize an online (optional) pre-consortium event to get to know each other.
Important dates
All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone. When the deadline is day D, the last time to submit is when D ends AoE. Navigate to the website if you’re not sure.
Submissions are open from January 1st, 2025 onwards. With the following time-line:
- March 20th, 2025: Early deadline – This is the submission deadline for those who require an early notification. For example, to aid with travel planning, obtaining funding, or visa applications.
- April 17th, 2025: Regular deadline. This is the last moment at which you can submit your application.
- Notification to applicants: Notification will be done on a rolling basis, with the latest notification sent out on May 2, 2025.
- June 23, 2025: in the morning local Amsterdam time: Student consortium
Please note that taking part in this consortium should not prevent you from participating in other student consortia at other conferences. Similarly, if you took part in another consortium that should not limit you from applying to the CHIWORK SC.
How do I take part?
To take part, you will need to apply through this form: (a log-in is required to allow sharing of files for your CV; if you cannot log-in, please contact the chairs of the track via
The form asks questions about:
- A CV (Curriculum Vitae) of at most 2 pages as a PDF file. The CV should highlight at a minimum your education and relevant (research) work experience.
- You – who you are, what institution and study program are you enrolled in, who is your advisor(s), your current stage of study, including year (e.g., “second-year PhD candidate”, “third year bachelor student”)
- Your research interests and fit to the conference. Note that this part of the submissions of the accepted students will be shared among the participants before the consortium. We ask for the following information:
- PhD candidates are asked for a research statement in max 2000 characters (shorter is OK): (1) what is your research about? (2) what have you done so far? (3) what is coming up next, and (4) what are your future plans (after graduation)?
- BSc and MSc students are asked for a research interest statement in max 1000 characters (shorter is OK): (1) what are you broadly interested in in research, (2) what have you done so far to develop more in that area (for example: what courses or what type of research project?), (3) what are your plans for the future (after graduation)?
- Connection to CHIWORK. CHIWORK is about the connection between digital technologies and people’s work. What aspect of this connection are you interested in? Why? (500 characters max — shorter is OK!)
- Your objective: What do you want to learn or get out of the student consortium? (for example: get to meet peers, get answers to a specific research or career question) (max 500 characters — shorter is OK!)
- Information of 1 referent: If the consortium has many applicants and we need more information to select, we might contact someone who knows you. Therefore, we ask for information on a referent.
- Other information: we ask whether you need a formal invitation to aid with a visa application and whether you have any other questions for us or information that you want to share with us.
Selection process
The selection process is juried and carried out by the consortium chairs. The applications are reviewed based on the relevance for the CHIWORK community, with diversity and inclusion criteria in mind. Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis, with an early submission deadline for those that require early confirmation.
The submissions are non-archival. This means that the submission will not be added to the proceedings of the conference.
Who is running this consortium?
The student consortium co-chairs are responsible for selecting participants and developing and facilitating the program of the day. They will participate in the sessions and will be one of your sources of feedback on the day.
Christian P. Janssen, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Andrew Kun, University of New Hampshire, USA
Garoa Gomez Beldarrain, TU Delft, The Netherlands
The co-chairs will be joined during the consortium by additional experienced researchers who can give feedback or simply answer some of your questions about academia. This will be another chance to get feedback on your work and meet people who have interests similar to your own.
You can contact the co-chairs at: