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Call for Student Consortium

    CHIWORK 2023 is the second conference in the CHIWORK series, and the first to have a student consortium track. We are excited to invite undergraduate (e.g., bachelors), postgraduate (e.g., masters), and PhD candidates working in the field of Human-Computer Interaction to participate in this one-day event. It will be a chance to meet other students with similar research interests to your own, to discuss your work and ideas, and to get feedback and input from experienced researchers.

    As student consortium co-chairs, we are really looking forward to meeting you and hearing about your research ideas and progress.

    When and where?

    The student consortium will be a hybrid event, part of the CHIWORK 2023 conference. It will take place online and in Oldenburg, Germany on the 13th of June, 2023. It will run online and face-to-face from 9am-5pm, Central European Summer Time.

    Important dates

    Submission deadline: May 11, 2023 (AoE time) via email at

    Notification to applicants: May 12, 2023

    Student Consortium: June 13, 2023 (in Oldenburg and online)

    Applications of students in need of applying for a visa can be submitted before the submission deadline will be processed as soon as they are received by the chairs.

    Late applications will be considered on request if the size of the group allows. Please reach out to the student consortium chairs.

    How do I take part?

    To take part, you will need to submit a 2-6 page piece (pdf format) for consideration by the student consortium co-chairs by the 11th May 2023, Anywhere on Earth Time.

    Submissions should be formatted in accordance with the single-column ACM SIGCHI format. Your submission should not be anonymous. Submissions must be submitted as a pdf file via email at: 

    Your submission should comprise the following sections:

    About you – who you are, what institution and study program are you enrolled in, who is your advisor(s), your current stage of study, including year (e.g., second year PhD candidate, third year bachelor student)

    Your research interests – CHIWORK is about the connection between digital technologies and people’s work. What aspect of this connection are you interested in? Why? Which work by other researchers resonate with your interests?

    Your research – If you have already conducted research, present the background and key related work that frame your project. What are your research objectives and questions? What is your research approach? Briefly summarize your main studies (done or envisioned) including the methods used and the results and contributions to date. Present the expected next steps, along with open questions and challenges you are facing. These will be particularly relevant to discuss during the consortium.  

    If you have not had any hands–on experience of research so far, write about what you want to do with your research in future. Why do you think it will be important to do more research on your chosen topic in future?

    Your future plans – Are you interested in a career in academia or in industry? How do you think improving your research skills could help you land the kind of job that you want?  What do you think you’d like to understand better about the practical aspects of academic research?

    Your motivation and contribution statement – Briefly describe what you hope to gain by participating in the CHIWORK 2023 Student Consortium, and how your participation will benefit other students and faculty. Think for instance about the following personal motivations: Are you hoping for feedback on something specific (tell us what)? Are you focused on meeting new people? Are you hoping to learn more about further stages of study or work? The more we know about what you’re hoping to get out the symposium, the better it will be! As for the benefit to others, what are you good at that you can give feedback on? Your educational background, the methods or approaches you are knowledgeable on, your prior experience with publishing or presenting your work at an academic event, or even transversal skills or hobbies can be an asset for your fellow students.  

    As this consortium is open to student researchers at all levels of study, we encourage you to make the length of your submission commensurate with your research experience. If you are an undergraduate new to research, we recommend a short 2–3-page submission. If you are a doctoral researcher, you might have more to say about your work (recommended 4-6 pages).

    Selection process

    The selection process is juried and carried out by the consortium chairs. The applications are reviewed based on the relevance for the CHI work community, with diversity and inclusion criteria in mind.

    What will we achieve together?

    The Student Consortium has the following objectives*:

    • Provide a setting where students can present their work and meet other students,
    • Provide feedback on students’ current research and guidance on future research directions,
    • Offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from researchers and students outside their own institution,
    • Promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research, and
    • Contribute to the CHIWORK conference goals through interaction with other researchers and conference events.

    Schedule of the day. Accepted participants will be invited to briefly present their research (or research interests) to others. We will send precise instructions in due time. We will make a detailed schedule available to attendees closer to the symposium. The schedule of the day will be focused on making the most of having synchronous time together, for discussing, for learning, for receiving feedback and for socialising.

    Before the consortium. The submissions of the accepted students will be shared among the participants before the symposium. Participants will be asked to read at least two other submissions and should be prepared to give feedback to fellow students during the consortium day. We will also organize an online (optional) pre-consortium event to get to know each other.

    Poster session. Depending on their level (optional for undergraduate students), student consortium participants might present a poster of their work at the main conference, during the poster session.

    * These are the same objectives as the CHI 2017 Doctoral Consortium – the co-chairs are grateful to the organisers for the inspiration!

    Who is running this consortium?

    The student consortium co-chairs are responsible for selecting participants and developing and facilitating the program of the day. They will participate in the sessions and will be one of your sources of feedback on the day.

    • Carine Lallemand, Assistant Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology,  the Netherlands and University of Luxembourg
    • Horia Alexandru Maior, Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham, England, UK
    • Sandy Gould, Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University, Wales, UK

    The co-chairs will be joined during the consortium by additional experienced researchers who can give feedback or simply answer some of your questions about academia. This will be another chance to get feedback on your work and meet people who have interests similar to your own.

    You can contact the co-chairs at: