CHIWORK 2023 has an excellent international organizing team. On this page you find information about our General Chairs, Paper Chairs, Workshop Chairs, Work in Progress Chairs, Student Consortium Chairs, and the Program Committee.
General Chairs
Susanne Boll, University of Oldenburg
Anna Cox, University College London

Susanne is Professor of Media Informatics and Multimedia Systems at the University of Oldenburg. Susanne is working on interactive user interfaces in safety-relevant environments such as intensive care units and work places in industry 4.0.

Anna Cox is Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at the UCL Interaction Centre. Anna’s research investigates the relationships between the design of digital work tools and behavioural outcomes and their impacts on productivity and wellbeing.
Paper Chairs
Thomas Ludwig, University of Siegen
Marta Cecchionato, Northumbria University

Thomas is an Assistant Professor for cyber-physical systems at the University of Siegen in Germany. His research focuses on the human-centered design of cyber-physical systems and multimodal user interfaces as well as the impact of digitalization on work practices.
Marta is an Assistant Professor in Computer and Information Sciences at Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne (UK). Her research focuses on how wellbeing can be supported at work, especially in new forms of digital work such as gig platforms.
Workshop Chairs
Alina Lushnikova, University of Luxembourg
Abdallah El Ali, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica

Alina Lushnikova is a PhD candidate researcher in the Human-Computer Interaction group at the University of Luxembourg. Her research focuses on how to support well-being at work through collaboration awareness tools.
Abdallah El Ali is a research scientist in Human Computer Interaction at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam. He leads the research area on Affective Interactive Systems. He is also on the executive board for CHI Nederland (CHI NL), the Dutch ACM SIGCHI Local Chapter.
Work in Progress Chairs
Anna Rudnicka, University College London
Marios Constantinides, Nokia Bell Labs

Anna Rudnicka is a Postdoctoral Fellow at University College London (UK). Her research focuses on identifying how technology can be used to enhance the agency of individual users and give them more control in their work environment and personal lives. She studies break taking during remote work and data disclosure preferences in online and connected settings.
Marios Constantinides is a Senior Research Scientist at Nokia Bell Labs in Cambridge (UK). His research focuses on building responsible AI technologies that augment people’s interactions and communication, with a particular focus on the workplace.
Student Consortium Chairs
Carine Lallemand, University of Luxembourg
Horia Alexandru Maior, University of Nottingham (UK)

Carine Lallemand is Assistant Professor in Experience Design at the University of Luxembourg and the Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands). Her research focuses on UX design and evaluation methods, as well as designerly ways to trigger behaviour change. She is the author of a textbook on UX methods and a passionate advocate for academia-industry relationships.
Sandy Gould, Cardiff University

Sandy Gould is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Computer Science and Informatics, Cardiff University. His research investigates the role of digital technology in supporting new forms of work and new ways of measuring work.
Horia Alexandru Maior is a Early Career Researcher and a Transitional Assistant Professor in Computer Science and the Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute at the University of Nottingham (UK). Horia has developed a substantial track record in the use of brain and physiological sensors to monitor and evaluate operator workload, stress, and well-being in various work contexts.
Program Committee
Stacy Branham (University of California, Irvine)
Nabil Al Nahin Ch (University of New Hampshire)
Felix Carros (University of Siegen)
Luigina Ciolfi (University College Cork)
Marios Constantinides (Nokia Bell Labs (GB/Cambridge))
Sandy Gould (Cardiff University)
Wilko Heuten (OFFIS Institute for iT)
Naja Holten Møller (University of Copenhagen)
Varshini Kamaraj (University of Wisconsin)
Naveena Karusala (Harvard Center for Research on Computation and Society)
Vera Khovanskaya (UC San Diego)
Max Krüger (University of Siegen)
Helena Mentis (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Michael Muller (IBM Research AI)
Isabel Muñoz (Syracuse University)
Anna Rudnicka (University College London)
Erin Solovey (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Divy Thakkar (Google Research)
Rama Adithya Varanasi (Cornell University)
Christina Vasiliou (Northumbria University in Newcastle)
Himanshu Verma (TU Delft)
Mark Warner (UCL)
Kristin Kaltenhäuser (University of Copenhagen)
Local Organizers
Heiko Müller, University of Oldenburg
Jannike Illing, University of Oldenburg

Dr.-Ing. Heiko Müller is a research associate in the media informatics and multimedia systems group at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. After completing his doctorate on “Ambient Light Displays for Temporal Information”, he spent 18 months doing research as part of the EU-funded DecoChrom project at the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi, Finland.
Jannike Illing is a PhD candidate researcher in the Mixed Reality group in the division Society at the OFFIS Institute Oldenburg. Her research focuses on the question of how time-critical workflows in parallel work scenarios can be supported with mixed reality.
Hybrid Chairs
Alberta A. Ansah – University of New Hampshire
Michael Muller – IBM Research

Experienced Graduate Teaching Assistant with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Skilled in Matlab, Eye-tracking, User Experience design, Python, Image Processing, HCI, and Leadership.
Mikołaj P. Woźniak – University of Oldenburg

Mikołaj P. Woźniak is a PhD student at the Media Informatics and Multimedia Systems group at University of Oldenburg. His research interests are focused on exploring everyday encounters with smart home technology, engineering interactive systems for sensory augmentation and exploring multimodal feedback technologies.
Michael Muller works as a Senior Research Scientist in the Human Centered AI group of IBM Research AI, where his work focuses on the human aspects of data science; ethics and values in applications of AI to human issues; and human-AI collaboration and co-creativity in generative AI.
Web Team
Kevin Acasiete, University of Oldenburg

Kevin Acasiete is a master’s student at the University of Oldenburg in Engineering of Socio-Technical Systems, main focus in Human Computer Interaction HCI. HiWi of the Media Informatics and Multimedia Systems Group