CHIWORK – Work-in-Progress and Demos
Call for Papers
Advances in computing technology are rapidly changing the way we work. Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a critical aspect of this ongoing change, as a way to support workers in successfully navigating rapidly changing working environments, which might include novel computing devices, interacting with AI agents, and the changing role of the human in work environments with increasing automation. The CHIWORK symposium began in 2021, bringing together experts from various disciplines through an online series of curated conversations, to build an understanding of how HCI will support work in the future. Alongside our ongoing conversation series, we are introducing a new annual in-person event.
The Work-in-Progress and Demos track provides the CHIWORK community with an opportunity to present new and exciting contributions that showcase innovative technologies, extend prior research conversations, or detail short self-contained studies. For the in-person meeting we are soliciting papers relevant to the topic of the conference, with various contribution types from a range of disciplines and perspectives, including the humanities, social sciences, computing, and engineering. All submissions in this track are not archived, thus authors may re-use and re-submit the content to other peer-reviewed venues.
Important dates
Call for submissions released: April 12, 2022
Submission deadline: April 26 April 29, 2022 23:59 HST
Decision notification: May 5 May 6, 2022 23:59 HST
Hybrid (in-person or, if needed, online) meeting: June 8-9, 2022
Submission details
- Submission platform: Easychair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=chiwork22
- Template: ACM Master Article Submission Templates (single-column Word Submission Template or single-column LaTeX).
- Submissions must be up to 4 pages long (not including references).
- Submissions are anonymous and should not include any author names, affiliations, and contact information. For an anonymous submission use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart}
Contribution types
- Work-in-Progress submission
A Work-in-Progress is a concise report of recent findings or other types of innovative or thought-provoking work relevant to the CHIWORK community. The difference between Works-in-Progress and main track Papers is that Work-in-Progress submissions represent work that has not reached a level of completion that would warrant the full Refereed selection process. That said, appropriate submissions should make a contribution to the body of HCI knowledge, whether realized or promised. A significant benefit of a Work-in-Progress derives from the discussion between the author and conference attendees that will be fostered by the presentation of the work.
- Demo submission
The Demo track promotes and provokes discussion of novel interactive technologies, and invites contributions from research, industry, and design communities. Sharing hands-on experiences is often the best way to communicate your work: If you have an interesting prototype, device, system, exhibit or installation, we want to know about it! An additional page that describes the demo’s requirements (e.g., equipment, space) is highly encouraged.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Tools for remote work: working from home, working while commuting, and meetings with remote participants
- New ways of getting work done: techniques for interleaving work; easy resumption, engagement, and disengagement; and incorporating well-being needs in productivity tools
- Working and trust with AI and automation: techniques for cooperation and collaboration with AI agents, new tools for task automation, working in and with automated environments and entities including cars, drones, and robots; designing for fairness, transparency and dignity.
- Technologies for the future of work: networking, augmented reality, virtual reality, wearable devices, and human-robot collaboration
- Supporting worker well-being and health: maintaining work-life boundaries, supporting physical movement, and facilitating work attachment and detachment, exploring how systems support or privilege well-being of workers in gendered, race-, caste- and class-informed ways
- Designing for digital tools that are preparing the grounds for professional development and an adaptation to and development of individual skills
- Matching and developing worker skills for job opportunities: assessing worker skills, matching existing skills to new job opportunities, platforms and peer-networks for learning new skills
- Inclusion and accessibility: technology that is built for equality and technology that supports all abilities
- Security and privacy: protecting work infrastructure from malicious actors and maintaining privacy while providing personalized support for work and well-being
- Novel ways of measuring outcome: rewarding performance so that it takes into account an individual’s unique needs, incorporating well-being as an integral part of productivity, fostering and measuring creativity and innovation, and supporting self-reflection by workers
- Tools and platforms for hiring and managing workers: new models for hiring, onboarding, and management; understanding and supporting freelancing, on-demand, crowdwork, and gig work.
- Societal impact: supporting decision-making for policy and regulation, integrating perspectives of workers, firms, governments, and communities; addressing the economics and resilience of individuals, communities, and society.
Selection process
Submissions will be reviewed through a Juried process, and receive light feedback from reviewers. Submissions will be reviewed against the following criteria:
- Significance: How important is the problem or question that this submission addresses? How greatly can others benefit from this work?
- Originality: How does the work build on, or speak to, existing work in the area? How novel is the contribution?
- Validity: How well are the chosen methods described and justified within the submission? How well are the submission’s claims and conclusions supported by the results?
- Clarity: How clear, understandable, and targeted is the writing? To what extent does the submission conform to all formatting requirements and the 4-page limit?
- Promote discussion – Does this work present research contributions or ideas that will stimulate interesting conversation among CHIWORK attendees? To what extent will the presenters benefit from being able to discuss their work and receive feedback at this stage?
Marta E. Cecchinato – Northumbria University, UK
Himanshu Verma – TU Delft, Netherlands
Marios Constantinides – Nokia Bell Labs, UK
For questions please email wip2022@chiwork.org